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Sound, Color, + Light Healing

Color, Light, + Sound Unite in this Healing Experience


Sunday, September 29, 2024

start TIME

2:15 PM


2 Hours


NYC House - 112 West 17th St

guided by

Brahmi Bergamini

Rev. Laksmi Scalise


Color Therapy

Energy Work

Sound Healing



what happens

Join Color + Reiki Healer Brahmi and Gong Master Rev. Laksmi for an incredible healing journey with sound, color, + light.

Brahmi is an Aura Soma healer, Reiki Master, and Shamanic Healer. Using magical vials filled with color, crystal, and plant energies, each attendee will receive a  1:1 color light energy treatments during a deep and powerful gong bath led by Rev Laksmi.

The combined power of Brahmi's healing touch, with Rev Laksmi's gong bath will be a transformative healing journey.

During this two-hour workshop, sound healing and color light therapy will work together to amplify each other's already potent therapeutic properties.
This combination will provide a powerful healing experience from your ethereal spirit to your physical cellular level. With their expertise in the holistic world, Rev Laksmi Scalise and Brahmi Bergamini will create a safe vessel in which the soul's intention can be listened to and nurtured. Laksmi will lead the group through a Sound immersion with singing bowls, gongs, and other instruments. At the same time, Brahmi will give each group member a beamer light pen treatment according to the colors selected at the beginning of the workshop (using the Aura-Soma Equilibrium bottles).
This effective treatment invites you to release, let go, and ground as your nervous system balances, leaving you feeling renewed and restored in touch with the color and the sound of your inner being.

what's included

1:1 Color Energy Treatment by Brahmi / Gong Bath by Rev. Laksmi / Grounding Tea After


Wear Comfortable Clothing / Remove Jewelry


To not disturb others, arrivals more than 5 minutes late will not be admitted inside The House. Arrivals more than 5 minutes late will be considered a no-show and will lose their credit. This gathering is nonrefundable.


Brahmi Bergamini

Brahmi Bergamini

Brahmi is an Italian Usui Reiki Master and Color Therapy practitioner based in NYC. She is a certified Usui Reiki Master and Teacher trained in the Usui Shiki Ryoho system, Aura-Soma Advance Level Practitioner, and Beamer Light Pen Color Enlightenment Practitioner. She also holds a Master's in Partnership Studies and Shamanism from the Univerity of Udine (Italy). Her dedication to the path of the Sacred Feminine led her to complete three years of training created by Priestess of Goddess Kathy Jones in Glastonbury (England) and attend one year of study with The Fellowship of Isis. In the summer of '23, Brahmi embarked on a transformative journey to Nepal with shaman Bhola Banstola. This unique experience allowed her to immerse herself in the power and beauty of Nepali Shamans, providing her with a deep understanding of their practices and culture. Her continuous yoga and meditation practice since the late 90s is a testament to her commitment to deepening her spiritual and healing knowledge in service of an awakened sense of interdependence.

Rev. Laksmi Scalise

Rev. Laksmi Scalise

Rev. Laksmi Scalise E-RYT 500 an Integral Yoga-certified teacher, began her Yoga practice in 1975. She went on to study under Swami Bua Maharaj for five years, becoming one of his teachers during his travels. Rev Laksmi is a Reiki Master Teacher and Shamanic Chakra Balancer and Douser. An experienced astrologer and intuitive, she is a lifelong New Yorker, her energy blending the metaphysical and practical to guide individuals through astrological transits and life transitions. Laksmi is a seasoned Gong Master, with over a decade of experience facilitating sound gong baths as well as trainings along Grand Gong Master, Don Conreaux. She incorporates astrology into her Rituals.


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