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House Ritual

Breathwork Breakthrough

Find an intense release through using your breath.


Sunday, August 4, 2024

start TIME

5:15 PM


60 Minutes


NYC House - 112 West 17th St

guided by

Vince Dickson






what happens

Join breathwork practitioner and performance coach, Vince Dickson, for a guided session to experience a deep release and reset your nervous system.

Come join us to experience just how much healing potential exists with your own body. A perfect way to round off the weekend and go into the week ahead with renewed presence.

Overflow Breathwork can bring up new things every session. For many it can be a life changing healing experience and help with anxiety, grief, anger, sleeplessness, low energy and so much more that is caused by the emotional baggage we hold onto. It also has many significant physical and health benefits. The one thing we can promise is that by the time you walk out you will feel completely different to how you walked in.

The session will consist of a guided journey accompanied by music where you will experience the power of your breath and how it can lead to powerful somatic release, dissolve limiting beliefs and connect you to your intuition and a sense of peace and presence you may not have felt before.

We will spend time in a state of very active full body breathing as well as slower more meditative states and periods of integration.

This session is suitable for first time or returning breathwork experiencers, though kindly note, this practice is deep and WILL shift things inside you.


Release Limiting Beliefs, Breakthrough to Your Goals


Reset, Cathartic, Renewed

what's included

Post Ritual Tea


Comfortable Clothing / Journal (Optional) / Water Bottle (Optional)


Are you Pregnant? Breathwork is safe, but consult your doctor before attending. To not disturb others mid-meditation, arrivals more than 5 minutes late will not be admitted inside The House. Arrivals more than 5 minutes late will be considered a no-show and will lose their credit. This session is nonrefundable.


Vince Dickson

Vince Dickson

Vince Dickson is a Breathwork and performance coach who helps people heal trauma, dissolve self imposed blocks and ultimately live up to their fullest potential as human beings. Breathwork became a central pillar that got him through crippling anxiety, grief, self doubt, self hatred and a feeling of being stuck. It is a tool that changed his life, that he uses every day and that has become his work.


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